Correct and complete filling up of Application for Conversion supported by following documents: -
- Policy document
- Premium receipt book (for cash policies)
- Certificate of disbursing officer regarding recovery of premia from pay for last six months (for pay recovery policies)
- Please provide mobile number and e-mail address for getting the timely information about status of your claim.
- Please provide bank account details correctly for quick disbursement of claim amount directly into the account through NEFT.
- If policy holder is unable to visit Post Office for submitting his documents being medically unfit or being abroad, he may authorize a messenger for submission of claim along with prescribed necessary documents.
- Claimant should produce all original documents at the time of submission, which will be returned after comparing. However, original Policy Bond and Premium Receipt Book if any will be retained.
- For queries on your application call 1800-266-6868
Abbreviations used: -
PLI-Postal Life Insurance
RPLI-Rural Postal Life Insurance
CPC-Central Processing Center
DDO-Drawing and Disbursing Officer
POSB-Post Office Savings Bank
WLA-Whole Life Assurance
CWLA-Convertible Whole Life Insurance
EA-Endowment Assurance
YS-Yugal Suraksha
AEA-Anticipated Endowment Assurance