Detect Update Notifications for Jabra Direct

In my previous post I provided a script to disable update notifications for Jabra Direct . In this post we will look at a script to detect if the Config.json file in %appdata%\Jabra Direct\ has the incorrect value for DirectShowNotification . If so then the remediation script from the previous post can be used to amend the value to $false and the Config.json file is saved.


# Get Config.json Write-Host "Check for Jabra Direct Config.json" $json = "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath("ApplicationData"))\Jabra Direct\config.json" #Check if Config.json is present if (Test-path("$json"))  Write-Output "Found the Config File" #Get Json file $a = Get-Content "$json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json If (($a.DirectShowNotification.value -eq $false) -and ($a.DirectShowNotification.locked -eq $true) -and ($a.EnableFeedback.value -eq $false) -and ($a.EnableFeedback.locked -eq $true))  Write-Output "Compliant" Exit 0 > else  Write-Warning "Not Compliant" Exit 1 > > else  Write-Output "Didn't find the Config File" Exit 0 >

Intune Configuration

In Intune you will need to got to Devices > Remediations

Select Create Script Package

Enter the Name and add a Description


Browse and select the detection and remediation scripts. Ensure that the script is set to run using the logged-on credentials .


Apply any scope tags and assign the remditiaion to the users or devices groups you wish to deploy the remediation to.
